The constant pain and embarrassment that can come with untreated irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is something that most wants to put behind them. It is critically important to understand how bad IBS can become if it is left untreated. First, it is necessary to understand what this ailment is.
It is a misconception to think of irritable bowel syndrome as a single issue that one faces. Instead, IBS is a collection of symptoms and issues that one might face with something like this. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases defines IBS in the following way:
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a group of symptoms that occur together, including repeated pain in your abdomen and changes in your bowel movements, which may be diarrhea, constipation, or both. With IBS, you have these symptoms without any visible signs of damage or disease in your digestive tract.
Take control of IBS symptoms early to prevent worsening discomfort and complications. The only way to actually feel better is to start to treat the cause of the problem.
There are long-term consequences to leaving IBS untreated. One of the most significant things that you might notice related to untreated IBS is that you are not able to break away from the symptoms related to this ailment. You are always going to have to deal with the fallout from having IBS in the first place. On top of that, you will likely face huge medical bills for not treating this more effectively and more quickly.
If you suffer from other diseases and/or ailments, then you might find that you have only made the situation related to those issues even worse. IBS can contribute to worsening symptoms of other issues. You don’t want to deal with the compounding dominos that leaving IBS untreated can create for you.
There is no question that IBS will get worse if left untreated. Those who have left their IBS untreated might think that they can get away with it. They might think that things will naturally improve on their own, or they might even feel that they simply don’t have the resources to treat IBS right now. However, the problem with this kind of thinking is that untreated IBS will compound the problem of not having enough resources. The circumstances will only get worse for you, and it will create even more expensive treatment options.
You should try to receive medical treatment for your IBS symptoms as soon as you realize it. You don’t want to put yourself in a situation where you disregard those symptoms and pretend that they are something else. That is the kind of thing that many people attempt to pull off. They feel that they can ignore the problem and that it will hopefully just go away. That said, it won’t work out that way. Take care of the problem right away.
The long-term consequences of untreated Irritable Bowel Syndrome range from physical to psychological. Some of the physical symptoms that might emerge from untreated Irritable Bowel Syndrome include the following:
These are just the physical symptoms that you might face when dealing with untreated Irritable Bowel Syndrome. There are also mental health concerns related to untreated Irritable Bowel Syndrome as well.
Some of the mental health issues that you might face when dealing with untreated IBS include:
These are only a couple of potential mental health consequences of untreated IBS. There are many others as well, and it is too big of a risk to take.
IBS is far more serious than it might seem on the surface. Much of our society pushes this aside or pretends that it is not a problem that they will ever encounter. However, the modern Western diet has made it far more likely that people will develop issues with IBS. Be mindful of this and of other risk factors that could put you in more danger of developing IBS. You will want to keep it under control so that you can avoid the consequences of untreated IBS.
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Englishtown Office
P: 732-370-2220
55 Willow Lane, Suite 201
Englishtown, NJ 07726
Mon – Thurs: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Fri: 9:00AM- 3:00PM
Sat & Sun: Closed
Howell Office
P: 732-370-2220
59 Kent Road
Howell, NJ 07731
Mon: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Tue: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Wed: Closed
Thurs: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Fri, Sat & Sun: Closed
*Office hours are subject to change based on availability
Old Bridge Office
P: 732-370-2220
100 Perrine Road
Old Bridge, NJ 08857
Mon: Closed
Tue: Closed
Wed: 9:00PM – 3:00PM
Thurs: Closed
Fri, Sat & Sun: Closed
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